Me equals your cheerleader. Minus the pom-Poms.

This place is for us to talk shop on a life worth living. One you never thought you could have, but the one you just can't get out of your mind.

I'm a walking contradiction.  That used to confuse the crap outa me.  Now, I see it as one of my greatest powers.  I love the push and pull that is challenging everything I have ever believed while still standing on the foundation I grew up on.  Through the adventure of finding myself and who I want to be - I've learned gratitude, empathy, patience, selflessness, and curiosity.   And that laughter and good friends are the best medicine.

You don’t get a new you.

You have to choose a new life. Then, you chase it through the grittiness of the everyday.

For the rest of your days.
— Me

I've been shown the life I want because many have chosen to live out loud and share their story.  Thanks, bloggers and Youtubers.  They share where they came from, where they found themselves at their lowest, where they are now and their dreams for their future.  I found myself in them, see which parts I want to replicate, learn how to do it, and attack my goals.  That is how I have envisioned and am working towards creating the life of my dreams and I hope that by me sharing my journey and what I have learned along the way you will be encouraged to design and conquer your own.

I think that the best way to get to know each other and connect is by coming together at the foundation of life.  Here we will talk everyday life, faith, relationships, homes, self-care, business, and fun.  I can't wait to have you come along.  Don't forget, this is a two way street.  I want to hear from you too.